Fantastic True RPG

User Rating: 9 | The Witcher PC
Hmm wow yah, didnt really expect to like this game as much as i do, took me about 45 mins to an hour to get a feel for it and really start to get into the game. I say true RPG because unlike recent ones like Oblivion, or Gothic3 etc. this has a fairly strict yet widely varied main plot line that you cant stray from too far. That is to say you cant just go off wandering and do what ever the heck ya want. You develope your character and make choices that affect the game, as well as the developement of you (Geralt) amnesia blah blah u know the routine. I was pretty impressed actually in how good of a job they did in making it still fun even though its more linear than a free roaming game. There are still places to go exploring and what not though. lots of lil mini games that are fun.

Graphics, Very good, not the best but definately good.

Sound, again Very good, not the best but right up there.

Gameplay, kind of a NeverwinterNights2 on steroids yet much funner, its got a kind of under the hood semi turn based gameplay its hard to describe, you dont just hack and slash yet you dont just click and wait. You chain together attacks, and dodging etc. is all done automatically. Bottom line it works.

Downsides: Well the load times while not bad (40 seconds TOPS for the big loads) can be frequent and will cause u to not wanna go into every house and cave you see simply cause you dont wanna wait for loading again.

The sex....Came off a bit dorky to me...Basically there are plenty of women you get to 'do' followed by some romancy music and then some picture of a topless chic, they vary.

Definately not a game for the kiddies lots of profanity, nudity. None bothered me though.

GREAT GAME buy it.