One of the most enjoyable games on the PSP

User Rating: 9 | The Warriors PSP
A great game to play. The graphics are well designed and thought out. It would've been nice to have a bit more time playing in the daylight but I suppose it adds atmosphere if the story is set at night. The FMV's are pretty to look at and each character looks well designed too.

Gameplay is a strong factor here. There's tons of things to do in this game and is a great way to spend a long journey home. Warriors has a good amount of missions to punch, kick and strangle through, each one requiring you to do different things from beating rival gangs at spray painting contests, or ruining other gang's hideouts. You can play different characters throughout the story and each one has their own strengths and special abilities: some are better at stealing for example or resisting damage.

Another good part of the game is the different side missions and extra games you can play. My favourite is the fighting arena. You can pick any gang's men and there are loads of locations to have a scrap in. Each arena has different items you can throw at your enemy, ranging from pool balls, to stools.

The music is fitting to the era and style of the game and the sound effects are also top class. Each time a punch is thrown or someone gets thrown into a fence the sound is quality.

A great game overall and there's definately no reason why no PSP owner should be without it.