Great game, quite deep fighting and manages to make a great storyline set before the film. If you like it

User Rating: 7.5 | The Warriors XBOX
First off, one of the best if not the best fighting games on the XBOX/PS2. This game is mostly action and thats all it needs with the quality of it. The control scheme is brilliantly set out for quick exciting violence and action, during missions throughout the story you will usually be defending home turf, passing through rival turf, (you are framed for a murder of a major gangs leader) or making an impression on rival gangs by basically battering them or tagging their area. The story isn't all this game has to offer either, with lots of bonuses along the way like knuckle dusters, steel toe boots, improved relations with various dealers (knife, flash(health) and spray(graffiti)) and probably the best, the characters you meet and/or beat during the game are unlocked for the Rumble mode. Rumble mode is a mode of the game where you don't have too play as The Warriors and can play as the unlockable players/gangs, Rumble mode is accessed through the arcade machine in your hideout via the campaign or quick rumble through the main menu. Rumble mode has different types of fights inside this, the main ones being "one on one", (the name says it) "king of the hill" (you fight in a team of two and climb up various buildings/structures (and in one scenario a stack of crates?) and obviously stay up there and beat your opponents off) and my faveourite "Army-ing" in which you have a blood fest involving 18 gang members, split into two teams. Another part of the Rumble mode is the ability to create and name your own gang. This is a chance to put your faveourite fighters into a deadly and fun to play team. The characters available in Rumble vary quite a bit. Yet most of the less known or lower ranked gang members have the same boring moves; which i prefer sometimes for a one on one bar fight. Some of the characters are basically huge and in a way cheap, but i found if you make two cheap teams and put them against each other it's an enjoyable bout. Most of the original moves for the greater characters are the special moves via grapple or ground and pound. Overall this game is extremely fun and probably my faveourite fighting game on the XBOX/PS2. I recommend this game to anybody who enjoys fighters and free roamers. However serious the scenario in any of the missions in this game, you can always make it the opposite. But it!