Most games based on movies are really bad. But The Warriors was quite an enjoyable game. #Real Score 8.7/10#

User Rating: 8.5 | The Warriors PS2
Based on a film in 1979 The Warriors is a movie based on a eponymous gang from Coney Island, New York City. At a meeting of gangs from all five boroughs, Cyrus is the gangland kingpin, announces his plan to unite all the gangs into a supergang. He points out that the combined members of all the gangs present number 16,000 - only a few less than the total number of police in NYC - 'Can you dig it?'. But before his well received dream can become a reality, he gets shot, and The Warriors though it was not them, are blamed for killing Cyrus. This is the premise that sets up the film, as the Warriors try to escape back to their home with all the other gangs of New York baying for their blood. All gangs in New York want The Warriors dead.

Gameplay- During combat or battle mode what ever you want to call it the gameplay is alot like Bully if you have played it or not played you'll reconise the health bar and gameplay from both games. But Bully's gameplay came from The Warriors and GTA free-roaming, Rockstar fans would enjoy The Warroirs if you've enjoyed other games like ManHunt or GTA series. Back to Gameplay it's mostly fighting other gangs just like in other beat em up games such as The Bouncer or Streets of Rage series. Unlike other games you'll be going through one or two levels twice but it is a fun game you'd get to command your fellow Warriors to attack others, watch your back or cause mayhem. There a few bonus tasks as well like spray paint on other people's terriotries or smash cars and steal car radios. Not only you'll be fighting gang members and hiding you'll also have to fight or hide from the Police who can arrest you if your not to careful can feel like a stealth game at some points of the game.

Graphics and Sound- Based on a film the graphics loook great for a PS2 game you got most graphics poured out from ManHunt where you'll see the graphics are close from comparisions. If you seen the movie the game has most voices from the orginal movie and the soundtrack and audio are excellent to listen too. If you own an Xbox and planning on buying it for Xbox it's just the same as the PS2 version. There was this one level which I really enjoyed was when there was the Graffiti competition and you get chased by this Clown gang, then your inside there building. The best part about it you had to wreack the Art Gallary throwing paint on walls smash stature's reason I enjoyed that level because I'm Art and I've always wanted to wreack Art in public but you would get arrested but in The Warriors it's really fun.

Overall- I found The Warriors an enjoyable with alot of violance. There is 2 player Co-Op isn't exactly remarkable just serviceable you can unlock more games and multiplayer more you play it more you'll get out of it. Rockstar fans will love The Warriors or a movie lover it's one of those games that doesn't mess up with bad qaulity or bad gameplay because most games based on books and movies are either worth playing or really bad.