i will never know how this game is.... please read!!

User Rating: 10 | The Warriors XBOX
i bought a brand new copy of this game, and basically skipped home because i had been waiting years to play this game! i was so excited, but i pop it into my xbox 360..... and my screen starts to laugh with this big sign saying "heeeeeeeeeey you cant play me!" i was so pissed! i checked for an update.... none. i even wrote xbox cust support, and that lead me to write to.....


asking them to fix this problem saying that i have read hundreds, maybe thousands of posts asking when the warriors would be b.c. so if anyone lives in sacramento that is willing to let me borrow an orig xbox hit me up, but until then i will continue to write microsoft every god forsaken day!

so please if you read this and want the warriors to be backwards compatible email the address i have in this letter and bug the hell outta micro.....