Guide your orb through 5 different cities.

User Rating: 7 | The Trials of Topoq PS3
In Trials of topoq the PSEYE Projects your image onto multiple mosiac floors on the screen in which you move your hands and body to raise floor tiles and control the ball.

This game is quite fun once you get used to controlling your orb using the PSEYE. The object of the game is to guide the big red ball to the platform at the end. Controlling it may seem hard and a little frustrating at first as the orb cannot be rushed but it doesnt take long until you get the swing of things.

Thier are 5 cities for you to play through, each which contain numerous trails, however thier are only three different types of objective in the game. Break the Cages, Avoid the Dangers and Race to the end, Generally speaking Breaking open the cages is the easiest wheras avioding the dangers was a little more challenging. The race to the finish could be a little frustrating as you find the more you hurry yourself the more you set yourself back.

The game works better in bright conditions, prefrebally natural daylight, in darker conditions the game seemed more unresponsive.

This game doensnt add much new to previous games which were avliable on the the eyetoy for PS2 however for £3.50 (UK) your sure to find this game a good bargain.