If you like the movie, you will like the game.

User Rating: 8.1 | The Thing XBOX
The Thing for Xbox is the sequel to John Carpenter’s famous horror flick. It takes place shortly after the end of the movie and leaves you wondering, “What the heck just went on here?” For anyone who likes the movie, I’m sure you will dig the story. You play as an army/marine type guy who has to investigate what happened at the Antarctic base. Eventually, the story unfolds a few unsuspected surprises that change your whole mission all together, and you’ve got to save the day while trying to get out alive.

The most intriguing aspect of this game is the friendly AI. You have to get your squad mates to trust you. If you don’t, they won’t listen to you and eventually, could turn against you. You also have to control their fear. If they get too frightened, they could go ballistic. This adds a unique element to the game that fits very well.

There are only three problems that I found with this game:
1. There is very little replay value. There are three difficulty settings (easy, normal, and hard), and all they do is make the auto-aim range a little smaller. So if you beat the game on normal (which was just the right amount to not be too frustrating) and still want to play this game, then give it a go on hard difficulty.
2. You must save at checkpoints throughout the game. This wouldn’t be too bad, but they are usually placed too closely together or way to far apart.
3. The final boss is the easiest boss I’ve ever played out of any game in my life. It’s still worth it to kick it’s ass to see the ending though (especially if you love the movie).

Overall, I think this game is great. It’s not too long, it’s not too hard, and it has a lot of unique elements to it. If you are a third person shooter fan, at least give this one a rent.