Fun game if you like just aimlessy firing at multiple targets while being shot at. The gameplay is good the first time.

User Rating: 7 | The Terminator: Dawn of Fate PS2
The terminator dawn of fate is a fun game for running around with loads of guns just shooting things one of the down sides is quite repetitive gameplay but it is fun to play in short bursts to do like a level or two each time you play. I think the weapons are entertaining to have the first time you use them but then after that the get a bit old but the gameplay is the most important thing and that is rather satisfying. The game length could have been longer but it is good to play 1 or 2 levels at a time. rather fun to play through the first time cause it just gets better and better as you go along as the first levels are not the best. Its slightly annoying with your health as it just completely drains down when ur in a fight without you even realising that your being shot as thers just lasers flying everywhere but that is kinda cool.