User Rating: 6.9 | The Temple of Elemental Evil PC
This game is not the best one I ever played, but it still have some fun gameplay. Graphics are not bad, but they could have been better than that. I mean, for a game made in 2003, I would expect better graphics than these little 2D graphics. Also, one disappointing point in this game is that you’ll spend like 60% of the game doing little quests like helping people, you know stupid quests like telling to somebody that a certain person loves him or her... AND YOU’LL SPEND MOST TIME OF THE GAME DOING THIS, but that’s the only poor part of this game, because when you get involved into doing “real” quests like killing a certain person, now you see how much the engine of this game is good. You could play this game even if you don’t know anything about dungeons and dragons rules, and you still can learn the rules with the detailed in-game manual or with the user’s manual. This game may worth the look if you’re a fan of dungeons & dragons based rpg but be cautious because the demo only shows the fun part of this game (I’m not talking about the 6 hours demo). You’ll start into a swamp and almost after the few first step you make, ennemies come from everywhere (that’s the moathouse quest). Anyway I would recommend to try the 6 hours demo to see all the aspects of the game, not only he fun ones.