User Rating: 5.7 | The Temple of Elemental Evil PC
This game isa very good game --- it has obe major flaw, though --- the turnbased combat... The game combat system is outdated, in my opinion. And it is very hard (for me) to select the small characters on screen in order to right click them bringing up the radial menu.... Deeply annoying... Also the turnbased combat system get splintered when they're 'attack of opportunity'. The turnbased combat system, I'm sure, works well, if you're sitting in a den with your pizza and drinking coca cola, with tabletob figures on the table.. So that you are able to move the figurines (the figures) on the table... Also I think that the game is very hard --- not that I mind games being hard --- but the game difficulty in this game is very hard. In summary: This game could have been a great game...instead of being just an average game --- if it had the courage to NOT INSISTS on using the TURN BASED COMBAT ! Aries