User Rating: 8.9 | The Temple of Elemental Evil PC
Temple of Elemental Evil demonstrates a level of faithfulness to D&D that has never been seen in a computer product before. The graphics look like the Infinity Engine (of Baldur's Gate fame), but much updated. I still think that for computer rpgs, this kind of isometric perspective is better. The sound is a nice departure from the usual orchestra/symphonic treatment that RPGs often receive; here we get an ambient soundtrack that provides an excellent background. I haven't felt that the music was too repetitive at this point. Though I enjoyed the exactness of combat, one should be prepared for many reloads, especially at early levels: one bad saving throw can mean your party will fall. I wasn't as miffed at the bugginess as some people are, but there are several low-grade quests that are currently unsolvable. Nothing that couldn't be fixed in a patch or 2, but it's annoying to halt the game because you have to wait for the developers to fix things that shouldn't be broken. This is an easy game to recommend if you enjoy a strategic hack-and-slash sort of game. It lacks the sweeping majesty of the Baldur's Gate series, but I feel it's easily superior to Neverwinter Nights.