User Rating: 9 | The Temple of Elemental Evil PC
I've never like turn based games, but ToEE's deep strategy and high-stakes combat gives each encounter a tension all its own. The mechanics are the truest pen and paper D&D reproduction to date. I heard people make this claim before, and my reaction has always been "...whatever, dude." Well, now that I've played a good reproduction, I've seen the light. This game FEELS like I'm back in highschool with the guys, rolling up chars and crawling the best of dungeons, but this time with a DM who knows the rules and knows how to challenge you without murdering you outright. This is game is what computer RPGs should all strive to be. Granted, this game will not appeal to the mass market in its present form (moderately-clunk-though-beautiful interface, and no automation for character creation/advancement). You wont see a port of this game on the X-Box or PS2 anytime soon. BUT, if you like games that are challenging and with deep strategy and gameplay, this game is for you. PS: If you were dissappointed with NWN's gameplay, you will be in for a pleasant surprise with this underrated (take note Gamespot reviewers) sleeper Classic. I think it's strange that Gamespot would ding this game for bugginess considering the fact nearly every RPG I've played in the last two years was buggier by far. I think the real ding comes from the fact that the game is not at all revolutionary. But what is uncommon about this title is that apart from the lack of swimming/climbing/mounts this game lets you do all the things that other RPGs won't. This really is the game that NWN should have been.