
User Rating: 2.9 | The Sum of All Fears GC
Sum of All Fears (SOAF) was good for the first time through after I sold it I realized how much the game stunk.

The gameplay is probably the best part about the game, but that isn't saying much. You can peek around corners and thats about it. The enemy AI is bad. The only thing that can make them difficult is the fact that they can be accurate, sometimes. A bland gameplay package.

Graphics look like a muddy dog standing in the rain. The surfaces look flat and have no textures what-so-ever. The models look N64 graphics or worse. Yeah. And there's so much pop-up that you'll never get to snipe enemies from very far away, causing much un-needed hassle. And your squad, well... they are about as smart as the enemies.

You'd hope that the developers woud get one thing right, but they don't.
The sound is tinny and flat. Like an old computer game. Tink, tink, tink, is the sound of bullets hitting metal. UGHH.

Luckily, there's no multiplayer of any sort. It astounds me how a game could be this bad. For a tactical shooter, no game could be worse. For a normal shooter, no game could be worse. Don't buy this game.