A year 200 budget FPS that is suprizngly good..even with todays FPS standards.

User Rating: 7 | The Sum of All Fears PC
The sum of all fears is a movie based off of tom clancys novel. This game carrys the tom clancy license name and didnt tottaly fail with this budget title shooter. The storyline is a nuke exploded in Baltimore and the CIA wants to find out who did it. So they make a new task force from the FBI hostage rescue teams. The game has good tatical gameplay with easy control of your team.You dont see your gun but only a aim reticule which is not seen this day in age in FPS games.Graphics look the the orginal Rainbow six game for the N64. Graphics would not even pass for a free game today.Sound is good with realistic weapons sounds and ok voice acting. Take some sounds from rainbow six. Overall a fun FPS game with no replayablity and 2-4 hours of gameplay.

The Good: Fun gameplay,Great Sound

The Bad: Horrible graphics from the year 2000.

The Ugly: Random crashed and graphical glitches