worth playing with no expectations

User Rating: 4 | The Sopranos: Road to Respect PS2
ok so here it is. The sopranos game everybody was waiting for.. or not..I will be honest with you this game came out with a lot of promise. You have all the sopranos characters voiced by the real people. It promised a GTA type game where you can roam the world of the sopranos.. wow how can you mess this up.. well. what can I say... where there is a will there is a way. I think part of the problem with this game is that it is up against GTA. Gta started a standard of free roaming third person mission based shooting that people tend to love. Sopranos on the other hand decided to go against the grain and come out with a linear mission by mission game. Not much free roaming except on the actual board you are on. You play the son of one of the mobsters who was killed on the show and you work you way up the ranks of the family. The missions basically consist of you working someone over or working a bunch of people over. All it is is basically punching and blocking and then you take it from there. A problem with the game is that it tends to put you into 3 on 1 fights where they tend to bunch up on you and you get beat to death. Not much fun there and then you get the whole you beat 3 guys then 3 more come out at you and they surround you and its all over. There are a few shooting scenes but not many. I think that it where people have a major gripe, all you do is go from mission to mission punching people thats it. There is some form of interactiong where you can decide how you want to talk to people (nice neutral or tough) but basically thats nothing major. There is a poker part to the game but it has nothing to do with the game except you can win money which you use to buy.. uhm.. NOTHING. yes you read it right NOTHING. A major problem of the game is the length. Its very short and you could probably solve the game in a few hours no more than 10. If the game was not a sopranos game people would think its an ok game but because it carries the sopranos title thats what kills it. People tend to hate it because its poorly done. It almost seems as if the game was hastely put together with a poor ending. If you can get this game in the bargain bin (less than $10) get it just for the feel and the voices of the game. If not just rent it, you can solve it in probably a day and if you do not solve it its not a big deal the ending is nothing special. Graphics are ok overall play ok music ok. Nothing special here except for the name.