TSO: Play It While Doing Something Else That's FUN

User Rating: 4.3 | The Sims Online PC
This is the ONLY MMORPG I know of that you actually need something else to do (like read a book or surf the Web or paint your house) while playing the game. If you don't, the boredom can overwhelm you. While the idea was awesome, EA strayed way too far from the original game and TSO is not like The Sims or The Sims 2 at all. Mostly people like to hook up and well, that's just sad. I had GREAT expectations for this game and beta'ed it for like 3 or 4 months before it came out. And it just never got any better. EA also has no intention of listening to their fan base about this game. And I just think that's unfortunate. If you're going to play TSO, just remember to have another game open so you can play it when your Sim is "skilling" for hours and hours. Then you should be fine. Unless you think paying $10 a month to play something besides the game yo purchased annoys you?