The classic sims + all classic expansions, what more could you ask for?! ..

User Rating: 10 | The Sims: Complete Collection PC
I prefer the old sims compared to the sims 2 in many ways such as easier to play on laptop, sumhow funner and in everyway simpler to handle!!
Before i bought this collection i just had the original sims + houseparty, so i was going to buy the sims hotdate [coz loads of ppl say its the best!] but wen i was in the shop i seen THE SIMS COMPLETE COLLECTION i thought that looks not bad [i already had the sims 2 at this time] so i bought it for a fair price of £20 wen normally it adds to £40.
I got home installed it [about 20 mins to install the four discs!] and played it and it was great having all the expansions on four easy to install discs!!
If all you are looking for is the sims then think agen coz once you hav all the expansions, you will never just want to play the normall sims agen!! =O
hope my review helped..