If The Sims 2 brought the original up a level, The Sims 3 knocks it right back down, and possibly a few notches lower.

User Rating: 6 | The Sims 3 PC
Being one of the biggest selling game franchises in the world EA knew that they had to pull out all the stops and try and craft their gaming masterpiece. And with The Sims 2 being excellent in every way possible, The Sims 3 had a lot to live up to. Unfortunately fans of the series are going to be ultimately let down.

Graphics - This is probably the strongest point of the game as the sim detail and graphics textures of the buildings and items are astounding. Sim and object interactions are also great but the over-cartoony look of the 3rd generation sims may be too much for some people.

Audio - The sims still have their quirky own "Simlish" language however, the music is not up to par with the previous games. It all feels too down-graded and cheap.

Gameplay - The Sims 3 as a stand-alone game is a very tedious and boring game. We have the new "novelty" of being able to control the whole neighbourhood however, this hinders the gameplay and makes you feel like you should always be doing something, therefore stressing out the player. Also, the "rabbit-holes" are extremely annoying as you can't see your sim when they go to work or go shopping etc. We should have full control of our sims. So basically, if you want to enhance your game, your gonna want to be dishing out wads of cash on the never-ending amounts of expansion and stuff packs.

Verdict - Overall, The Sims 3 will appeal to sims fans who want a more realistic game but, the quirkiness and fun has been drained from the game in order to achieve this.

Graphics - 9
Audio - 5
Gameplay - 4
Overall - 6