By Far The Best Sims Ever !!!!!!!

User Rating: 9.5 | The Sims 3 PC
I have already playing it for about 10 hours and it is simply " Amazing " they have improved the game in so many ways and still some how kept the old feel of the Sims..I like how now you can go anywhere and and hang out in the park or on the beach and really like the way you get little side missions if you want..Right now I working on writing my second book, I only earning 68$ for the week "which you get paid only 6 times on ever Sunday" but I writing a History book now should get a lot of cash for that one...All in all I personaly think this is by far the best one yet....All I can say is good job guys this on has got me hooked and it is great. As for game play, the only beef I had was it takes a little getting use to the new camrea controls but that is nothing..There is No long that god awful waiting time between loading srceens because there are no loading screen, the graphic have improved but not by much but they are still a little noticable, But if you going to get a game this year I personaly think this is the one, compared to the biggest improvements going from Sims 2 to Sims 3 there is nothing out there that matches the improvement, and if your a die hard Sims fan then you are about to get your mind blown over this one... Again Guys nice job and folks this is a must have.....And a little pointer for those of you who are starting out, when you make your Sim buy the cheapest house you can find and invest in a computer and start writing a novel..A short one, like 90 pages and try and put out 2 of those short ones a day and you won't have to worry about cash...Now you can tell that there is going to be downloadable stuff later on because tthey are a little limited on cloths, hair styles, etc. but I kinda expected that from them but all I can say is that the game was well worth the wait.....