If you are a true Sims fan,you are going to love this game!!

User Rating: 9 | The Sims 2 Seasons PC
I have been a huge Sims fan every since they came out with the very first Sims game. I have played MANY Sims games over the years not only on the computer but on the PS2 also. I think that the Sims 2 Seasons just adds a whole new element to the previous Sims games,because the developers are making this game more realistic with each new Sims game that they make!! Now,I bought the Sims Pets game for the PS2 and it was fun for a few days,but I quickly grew tired of the repetitive nature of the Sims Pets game and the fact that the only two places you could go was to a very small pet park,and to your house and that was it!

Now when I bought the Sims 2 Seasons game for the PC I was THRILLED because I couldn't wait to play it because it was so different and unique,other than anything I had seen out on the video game market! The first time I played this game,I couldn't put it down because it was SO MUCH FUN!! I LOVE the fact that there are different seasons on here as the game suggests,and you can build snowmen in the winter,catch fireflies,go swimming and get a tan but don't let your Sim character stay out in the sun too long,because they will get sunburned!! The biggest reason I love this game is because you get to decide what you want your Sim character to do,and this game doesn't seem so,"Rushed,"or,"Hurried,"like other Sims games do! Anotherwords,I have found that in playing other Sims games,you are expected to do this and do that and climb up the corporate ladder,have a family,raise children etc... The Sims 2 Seasons was so much more laid back because your Sims characters FINALLY GET TO RELAX and enjoy themselves whether it is going fishing,working in the garden,building snowmen,or just catching fireflies,your characters don't seem so pressured to do everything on a time limit!!

The only complaint that I do have is why don't the Sims developers make MORE SIMS GAMES available for the PS2 or the now popular PS3?? I mean we would like to see ALOT MORE Sims games available on these consoles,and the computer games are alot of fun,but us console players would LOVE to be able to play the Sims game on our Playstation consoles too!

If you are looking for a fun game where your Sims characters can just slow down and enjoy their time with their family,or just enjoy spending time fishing or whatever,than this game will be well worth the money!! ;-)