so your pet never gets hungry?

User Rating: 2 | The Sims 2: Pets DS
I got this game because I liked the PC version and wanted a somewhat close port to the original. but I have the say it has reached a lower level of SUCK than any ds game I have played to date.

sound: 2 (good music but then gets repetitive)

graphics: 3

story: 1

gameplay: 1

probably lasted about 2 days because that's how long it took to get into the most expensive house and after that I had done everything and you know what? I probably haven't even touched my dog I created! What is the point to having your own pet if it never needs anything!? it was terrible and my sister is a bigger fan of the sims than I am and when I got sick of it I handed it to her and she only played it for a day or two. All I'm saying is if you want a ds game close to the PC version get age of empires. (which rocks.)