Mixed Reactions for the newest EP of The Sims 2.

User Rating: 8.1 | The Sims 2: Pets PC
Through all the hype, after you finally get to play... Sims 2 Pets kind of let me down. While the Create a Pet, and Womrats are fun. It is difficult managing the time to do things in your day to day. You either keep eating your poptart, or you Scould your pet for biting the furniature. And it seems like theres ALOT of things to scould and praise them for. On the bright side, the new furniature really all mesh's with everything that was already there. The new Space ranger kid's bedroom furniature really hit my soft spot too If your pets have jobs you can get them in the best mood possible, but it seems like they almost always come home in a bad mood. The new tracks that come with the music are also great, songs like 'Chemical's React' and 'Dont Cha' really make the soundtrack better. The graphics seem alot better, the dogs fur, teeth, gums all look like a real dog should. The Birds are beautiful, and the Womrats... well their just womrats. All in all its worth buying at only 29.99, besides who can resist that face?

Gameplay- 7

Graphics- 9

Sound- 10

Value- 8