This game delivers enough laughs to last you a laugh time with fun missions this game leaves you feeling sad at the end.

User Rating: 7.5 | The Simpsons Game X360
A game that delivers more laughs than the televison show! With great graphics, just like the Televison show and great missions this game leaves you feeling sad that it is over when you finally complete it. You can choose what characters you can be Marge, Homer, Lisa, Bart or even Maggie. This game is just super fun and I definetly recommend you buying this game. Its an instant classic with a suprisingly good story and really funny ending which leaves you not just sad but chanting for more! Better than Hit and Run by a mile! Go buy this game right now! Its just super fun!.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................

To sum it up in one sentence: A super fun classic which leaves you with side spitting comments and makes you feeling sad that the quest has ended!