I'm not joking with you this is one of the best games of all time!

User Rating: 9 | The Simpsons ARC
One of the only good Simpsons games in history The Simpsons Aracde Game draws a lot of similarity to the TMNT arcade game but who cares, they both rock. The idea of the game is to beat down thugs and eventually Mr.Burns in order to get back Maggie who has been kidnapped. There's your standard enemy that you button bash to beat but other than this one guy all the enemies require a little strategy do you jump attack to avoid their weapon or will they hit you with a sky attack. The bosses require real timing and skill as you have to pick an attack that works and then you have to time just right to stun em then go nutso on them. Now before we go on what is really the big winner for this game is that it's 4 player!!!! You and 3 other people can play together at the exact same time, that's all members of the family (who all have cool weapons) you can beat random people with your buddies how awesome is that. The team moves also are insanely awesome each charatcer has a totally unique team-up move. Like Marge and Homer roll up in a destructive ball and knock the bad guys around like a rubber band all of the special moves are rad and cool. All the enviroments are interactive is that there's loads of stuff to pick up even the police car early on can be used a weapon how awesome is that. This game is one of the best beat em ups ever made and it's 4-player I cannot stress how cool that is. This ends this Retro Review and thanks for reading!