Funcom has made it!

User Rating: 10 | The Secret World PC
I must admit ive been a Funcom fan since Anarchy Online. I knew in my heart Funcom could do a lot better than what they delivered in the Age of Conan, so my expectations very sky high before the beta testing of The Secret World started. The Secret World is unimaginable spot on for me. The launch was extremely smooth and i found only small bugs that didnt interfere with gameplay to much. The storyline couldnt be much more open without being ridiculous, but thats whats makes it so great - every legend and folklore is true and you and your faction is going to deal with it. The game is packed with intriguing quests, great pvp fights, graphics, dialogue with superb voice acting, original character building, crafting and so on. And the clothing/equipment range is awesome! Im having a blast in this game so i hope you will enjoy it to!