A pirate I was meant to be...

User Rating: 9 | The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition PC
I can't believe it has been almost twenty years since I played The Secret of Monkey Island for the first time. I remember rushing home from school and spending countless of hours playing the game with a FIN-ENG dictionary at hand. Learning a new language has never been so much fun!

Looking back, playing the original game I spent several DAYS solving some of the puzzles but now the joy of finding the solution by yourself is totally ruined with the instant help system. This drops the overall score in my books.

The updated graphics sure look pretty but what I love the most is the possibility to switch back to the old version. Too bad there's no way to hear the awesome dialogue while playing the game in the old school mode.

Humor has had a big part in Monkey Island games but some of the jokes didn't quite open up to me back when I was kid but now it's quite the opposite and I got several good laughs while playing the game.

The magic of Moneky Island is still there even after 20 years. This game is well worth the money. For us older gamers this is a nostalgia trip but I can't see why new gamers wouldn't enjoy this game too.