Cared for remake of an all time classic game.

User Rating: 10 | The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition PC
Buy it. Play it. Love it. There is very little else that I think I can say on the game. Once you get playing it, the quality speaks for itself. The graphics have been updated to give the original a style not too dissimilar to the 2D cartoon style of graphics found in the third installment of the Monkey Island series, Curse of Monkey Island (Another game definitely worth getting by the way.).

The voice acting that has been added is generally excellent as well with most of the character's voices matching the characters well and the updated animation has been left slightly clunky looking which only helps to endear. Although playing through the game with sound and music might seem a little odd to players who have played the original, you soon find yourself whistling along to the Carribean ryhthms while your foot taps away below the desk.

In summary: BUY THIS GAME.