as epic as ever but..

User Rating: 8 | The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition PC
I started on a sinclair 128 so i'm no stranger to classic games, and i must've completed MONKEY ISLAND the day it came out in the 90s about 1000000 times and it's always a great experience.

a remake? hmm

Graphics: well the graphics has surely been overhauled and at first i thought they're great but not so much now, you see..
THREEPWOOD just don't look like threepwood to me, he looks like some gay wannabe which is sad and some of the characters just look worse actually with weird facial expressions (flashbanged eyes) and the new animations leave a lot to be desired considering it's an upgrade, even Monkey Island 4 had better animations but that's a minor thing.

the general scenery and objects however are simply amazing and extremely pleasant to the eye.

Sound: yes the soundtrack is timeless and now is like 100000 times better, you also get speech which adds a lot to the game, i like that compared to the original.

Gameplay: it's Monkey Island for crying out loud, what more can i tell ye?

Conclusion - the game is well worth the price no doubt (if anything because you can play it without Dosbox or additional software), but the graphics will be a love & hate thing, some of it works, some don't, up to you to make up your mind, personally i prefer the original

highly recommended.