Another great nostalgic remake!

User Rating: 10 | The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition X360
When I heard about the remake of "The Secret of Monkey Island" I couldn't have been happier. I remember learning all of the insults to sword fight and how Guybrush can hold his breath for ten minutes, but not any longer. The crew did a great job at changing a lot but yet not changing much at all. The story and the dialogue is the same as the first version of the game. The graphics and the voice acting is a very nice addition to a classic game. One of the new features for a remake of a game is the ability to go back to the original game. During Monkey Island, anytime you wish to relive the glory days with the old graphics of the original game, you just need to press the back button. You can revert the graphics anytime instantly during the game! This is a great remake of a point and click adventure game from the past. Guybrush may not be the perfect hero for a game, but he is great in this one! Don't miss this classic remake