Despite its flaws "The Saboteur" Still provides the fun.

User Rating: 8 | The Saboteur X360
Story: The story centers around Sean Devlin an Irish race car driver who is cheated out of a win in a big race. Furious, Sean and his best friend Jules set out to get revenge on the driver that cost him his race,Kurt Dierker. After they drive his car off a cliff they are both captured and taken into a factory where they discover that Dieker is a high ranking Nazi Offical and thinks that Sean and Jules are British spys. Dierker then kills Jules and Sean later escapes to Paris where he intends to get revenge for the death of his friend. The story itself is pretty straight forward and eventually you become a small part in an even bigger operation. I can't say its a great story or even a good story, it has some good set ups but by the end of the game there are still a lot of lose ends that are not tied up. Maybe the developers intended to make a sequel but we all know what happened to Pandemic. What is good about the story is that it has some pretty good characters especially Sean, who is funny as hell, a good setting in Nazi France and a good ending.

Graphics: The Graphics are a mixed bag, they are not bad at all but they are not as good looking as other sandbox games like "GTA IV" or "Just Cause 2". In the Nazi controlled parts of France everything is black and white which some people really like but me however found it to be too dark and it got annoying at times, but not as annoying when blood splatters on the screen and you can't see anything. However I will say that the voice acting is well done and goes for the rest of the sound like the guns which mostly sound good, the cars blast classic tunes from that era and the explosions look nice. All in all while not the best looking game it will get the job done.

Gameplay: The gameplay is split into a few parts: driving,stealth,third person shooting and causing destruction. The driving while it is not the worst I have seen fells very very stiff, I heard some people say they did that to make them fell more realistic but there is a time when you should do that and a time when you should not. In order to cause chaos and restore the color to Nazi controlled areas you will need to destroy Nazi structures and officers. Doing this will give you contraband which is the currency in the game. With that you can buy new weapons and vehicles and even upgrade them. The game gives you the option to either go in guns blazing or use stealth, to use stealth you have to steal a Nazi uniform and sneak in. However the stealth is kind of broken and is hard to pull off because the Nazi will shoot you if you get careless. The shooting on the other hand works good and can be a lot of fun and there is also a cover system in the game which I prefer over a lock on system. With all the story missions plus a ton of side missions you can get maybe a 15-20 hours out of this game.

The verdict/Final score

Story 7: Funny characters and a good setting help the okay storyline with a good ending to boot.

Graphics 7.5: While not the best it makes up for it with style that some will love and others will hate.

Gameplay 8.5: Despite having stiff driving and broken stealth, there is still a lot of fun to have killing Nazi's

Enjoyment 8: Not going to lie I did like this game, now if only another development team could pick up this title for a sequel.

Final score: 7.75 ( about an 8)