If you're jonesing for some open-world goodness, this just might be the game to explore, critics be damned!

User Rating: 8.5 | The Saboteur X360
I had the winter game blahs and wanted something to tide me over the cold spell. I remember that I contemplated buying "The Saboteur" when it came out; but when it was reviewed with such lukewarm enthusiasm, I (still in thrall to "Assassins Creed 2") passed on the game. "The Saboteur" has its flaws... but they really don't prove as bothersome as reviewed. Yes, the climbing feels a bit awkward at times, but once you play it awhile that doesn't distract from the fun. Many of the reviews derided the stealth aspect of this game and I can't help but think maybe the reviewers just weren't being as stealthy as they could. Cars drive generically like the ones in "Godfather 1" and "Mafia 2" and don't inspire any compelling urge to collect them like in "Grand Theft Auto", or offer any mods like in "Saints Row". If you're expecting cool period music then I recommend creating a playlist and turning off the music in the game since the songs used are limited in number and get tiresome quickly. One of the songs used is a Nina Simone song from the sixties, most of the others are not the "big band" sound we associate with the era. The good aspects of this game greatly outweigh the bad. There are plenty of things to do, and plenty of places and ways to do it. Vive le resistance!