The Saboteur is a good historic action adventure, but could have used some fine tuning and more work on.

User Rating: 7 | The Saboteur X360
When I first played the saboteur the driving felt a little slow and the surroundings was not that good, but the game itself is fun too play but lacks alot.

Story 7.3:You play as Sean Devlin around the time of the nazi control over paris.Sean's freind dies and goes on a revenge adventure meeting the resistance and searching for his freind's killer Dierker.The story was alright and was a minimum of around 9 hours to complete the story but I could tell the end from the beginning.

Gameplay 8.4:The gameplay is fun, their are many weapons you can use and buy new weapons through contraband by destroying nazi outposts,genrals,sniper towers etc. killing nazi's are alot of fun, the melee combat could of used more work on but the cover system and shooting gameplay is great.Driving dous seem a little slow at first but you get used to the controls after awhile and starts to become alot of fun.The stealth system works well but does not make much sense at all.Platforming in the game works awesome, but its not as good as Assassins Creed.Their are many races around the city and side missions you can partake in which gives the game more gameplay value.

Graphics 7.0:The graphics are fine but the lighting, colors and textures just look nasty and can get you bored after a while.Their is a cool feature where you go from black and white too colorfull regions depending on which is nazi occupated but the graphics overall are not that great.

Glitches 6.5:Horrible, This was the main bummer of the game, their are many invisible walls that you run into while driving.Textures go in and out sometimes, but the worst of all was sometimes I had to reload the hole game because I could not end a mission properly.

Conclusion:The Saboteur is a must rent before buy even though its around $20.00 it could have used alot of fine tuning, but the gameplay is fun and the story is okay.Overall this is a good third person historic action adventure and a game that people should try out if interested.