Watch Inglorious Bastards first

User Rating: 8.5 | The Saboteur X360
Graphics and Environment: The graphics in this game are good you can feel the breeze off the river and smell the bread being bake in the ovens. The black and white aspect is nice, but at times it can be a little annoying when you are in combat.

Storyline The story is done really nicely in how your character becomes the hero, and who you face throughout the game. The politics of what your character has to go through is done well. At times you cannot trust your own side which makes the game more in-depth in which your character has to navigate through. The side missions are nice detour from the main storyline; further more than ambient missions you can do for a very long time. Nothing beats killing Nazis for hours on in. The other characters have depth and I like that they are good and bad.

Gameplay: The game play is not the issue; however I did have some problems when I was climbing around I thought I was playing Assassin Creed. But they have nothing to do with the game.

Game Mechanics Here is where I have my largest complaints when you're moving through the world and do many actions in a roll the game has a hard time processes it and it kind this takes a poop. Ex when you sneak kill a Nazi by a tree or close to a building it reads the kill, but it does not show it and it can blow your cover and give you way before you can do anything. When your character is doing a lot at one time it can have a hard time reading what you want to do and which order to do it.

MP None

DLC One if you own it get it a little t and a is nice, but I think it is not worth it.
Well in conclusion this game is a great game no whole bars I was very happy with it. Play the game to find out for yourself. Make sure you're not in a rush to play it.