The Punisher can be a pretty good experience as long as you dont have high expectations.

User Rating: 7.1 | The Punisher PS2
The Punisher is a good shooter although its pretty repetitive, but a good aspect of the game is there are a few different guns some good, some great and some alright. Some of these guns have upgrades like silencers, extended clips ect. Another good aspect of this game is the interrorgations they are very gory and very satisfying. My favorite part of this game is slaughter mode, when you activate slaughter mode every thing will go black and white and if i remember corectly everything slows down too and your guns are put away and you can use nothing but knives which you can throw at many enemies killing them in one shot.

Most of the levels are easy and short you could probably finish a few of them in about 10-20 minutes. A lot of the bosses are easy too and dont feel as challenging as they could have been. The Punisher will occasionally change costumes but it doesnt make any real difference. You can also pick up a few different melee weapons whic have some cool special attacks but arent as effective as useing a gun.

I recommend this game to anyone who is a fan of the comic and/or the movie.