The only one who was "Punished" was me for buying this game.

User Rating: 6.2 | The Punisher XBOX
I never thought I would say this, but this is a game that is almost as violent as Manhunt, with LESS Storyline. To set the table this game is almost like Max Payne + Dead to Rights -Any of the Good Stuff, You can take out bad guys with guns or you can enter into something call slaughter mode, and just start tossing knives around, it seems that in the Punishers coat there are really really deep pockets because you never seem to run out of them, and in typical Dead to Rights styles you can grab a bad guy and use his as a shield but of course this makes moving the Punisher a huge pain because of the slow down. Graphically this game is just not impressive, it looks alot like "The Thing" did and that game was graphically average three years ago. There is very little that I can look at and say I was impressed with graphically, It was choppy, the enemies were very generic and the flow of the game was just awkward the backrounds were just unimpressive and badly detailed. The only saving grace is characters that seem to play a role in the story like the Punisher or main enemies look pretty good, not great but good The Gameplay flows, but some of the scenes are awkward its not made clear what direction you should aim and what threat is targeting you actually hitting you, and the progression of the storyline is sort of strange, going from taking out gangs that happen to be in your neighbourhood to stopping an international plot of evil. The Sound was sort of generic, and not well placed I often found myself questioning where sounds were coming from and who was shooting at me, and from where? Just not well done, and short of average The total playtime in this game is being slated at around 15 hours, and anyone who made it through the whole game is clearly a more dedicated man then I because after about 10 hours of playing I just had it, it could not keep my interest, This game may be a worth while pick up in a few months when its going to reduced in price, but till then I am not even sure if its worth a rent because its just not that interesting -Z