The Punisher had potential....

User Rating: 7.2 | The Punisher PC
The Punisher is game set on you being a rough'n'tough thug who sets out to kick the crap outta anybody he pleases. The game incorporates a system where you can see if you can make the baddies talk before you finish them off and put them outta there miserable lives. You can choose from several things such as choking them, punching them, or doing a cool face-smash to make them talk. Although a good idea, it operates in a glitchy fashion, and can be hard to use. Also, if you are nearby special objects, the Punisher will incorporate them into his interrogation :) For those of you who play the demo (which is all i sugest doing unfortunately), you will get to stuff the face of a thug into a tank of Pirrahanas. The game also gives you sense of being consistenly on rails, and has a poor physics engine. (i.e You cant stand or jump onto benches, you cant walk over some debris or plants) The games sound sucks as well. The weapons sound dead and lifeless....and the voice acting is retardedly hilarious. (Notice Punishers gf in the demo...sounds like a crow.... ) One thing i'll give credit for is the games crisp look. Its a little textureless, but at least it looks neat and tidy. All in all, if you enjoyed Max Payne, you should get a minor kick outta this game, although you wont be playing it for long. (Beat just about every mission first try). And it gives you a taste of "wanna-be like Max".