Best value in gaming!

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box X360
The orange game is actually five games and can be picked up for like 20 bucks retail so go out and get it. Portal alone is worth the 20 dollars. Portal is such an outstanding, challenging, unique, and funny game. It has the half life series on here which is cool as well and then you get team fortress which is very fun and addicting multiplayer. I wish there was a bigger online community though. Again I just want to mention portal. It is in my top 5 games of all time. Its right up there with super mario brothers and resident evil 4. Such a stylish game. Its just short. But portal 2 is here which is even better. All in all this package speaks value and there is no reason to pass it up. Portal
Portal must be plaayed
Portal is the bomb
TF and HL are cool but Portal