Puzzel me this Portal, Puzzle me that Portal. Good times ahead, and pitfalls behind.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Orange Box X360
First of all, before you read on - please note that I am reviewing Portal only, and not Half Life 2 or Team Fortress, for which I have no interest. Happy gaming.

On with the review. I had heard of this game from a couple of my friends who own a PC. It was hard to come by at local stores as it is one of those games that have come and gone. In the anticipation of Portal 2, I decided to step back in time and check out what exactly drove people to this seemingly simple game.

This game gives you the mystery of a good thriller. Who am I? Where am I? What is going on? And what or who is compelling me to go forth into the unknown...or something like that. There were a lot of questions - ok?

I digress...

The game reveals the controls to you in an innovative 'test subject' form with a 'big sister' looking over your every move and coaxing you through each trial room. It took a little while for my mind to adjust to the physics of the game. Starring into a portal looking at yourself only to jump through it and whilst in the air shoot downward to open another portal to spit you out of the one you just came from at an even greater speed that sends you across the room to a previously unreachable level can do that. It's almost as inconceivable as my previous sentence (!)

The game offers very unique puzzles that allow the user to slowly build up to thinking beyond what you once thought capable. I could not put the controller down. Along with a great puzzler you are supported by a quirky character who talks to you all the way through the game. The role of this character (big sister) changes as she/he/they try to convince you to just follow procedure.

The game contains a great sense of humour, some amazing ideas (that leave you throwing your fist in the air after accomplishing some of them), and surprising variety. It also features advanced options of which are also a lot of fun for those keen to really test their mettle. I look forward to downloading the sequel Portal : Still Alive and then finally moving on to Portal 2 which already looks vastly superior.

This is not a game for everyone though. If you're into action then please go play Gears, Vanquish, MW2 etc. But if you tire of destroying your opponent (who would right?) and you feel like bending your mind to a little outside the box thinking - then this is for you.
