Very good collection...

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box PC
So the most complete HL collection has finally come and it ROCKS!! Portal, the shortest single player from The Orange Box is kind of weird, but very interesting and surely will use your brain a little :) So, yeah it requires a litler more resources than HL2 and Ep1, but the thing with HL is that you have your console and set it to work on some lower parameters too :) For more info about that, visit the forums. It wouldn't have worked on mine if i hadn't heard about that sollution, and it was very annoying cause HL2 and Ep1 worked fine. Anyway, the story in Ep2 is really interesting and you can get quite dragged into it. It's the most thrilling HL up to date. It's short, but not as short as Ep1 so it's a good thing, but contextual it's better than HL2 :)