The best compilation of games in 1 box.....ever

User Rating: 9.5 | The Orange Box PC
Wow - that's not even a strong enough word for what the Orange Box brings to the table. Not only do you get the entire Half Life series including the newest edition, you get 1 of the best multiplayer games ever and an awesome and highly addictive puzzle/shooter type game.

Starting with Ep. 3, just amazing - everything you'd expect from Valve at this point when it comes to HL. A great game, with all the usual half life goodies, story, graphics, the works. Kind of open ended tho, not to spoil it, but it will leave you wanting more.

Team Fortress 2 - now this is the reason i wanted the OB so bad. To me, the OB is TF2 with a bonus single player game. And boy was TF2 worth the 10 year wait. These guys know how to do multiplayer games better than anyone. And TF2 is sooooo damn good, its crazy. The graphics fit the game perfectly, it's pure multiplayer shooter bliss. You MUST play this game if you like online shooters. Only 6 maps does suck, but each map is fantastic, and i'm sure it will be expanded over time

Portal is also just a pure suprise of enjoyment. you will get hooked on this game wishing for more by the end. and this game opens up the door for future implementation in valve games that should be very fun.

All in all, i cannot recommend this Box enough. It is WELL worth the money and you will not regret it at all. My only complaint is that everything left me wanting more. Way to go valve, bringing us yet another quality product(s) at a good price!!!