This is the Holy Grail of multipack games. Period.

User Rating: 10 | The Orange Box PC
The Orange Box, while in itself is just a multipack, contains some of the greatest games known to the industry. HL2: Ep1/Ep2, TF2, Portal; All are total ownage. And, according to Gamesradar, except for Ep1, all of these games are expected to be better than Halo 3. Portal is awesome because it doesn't need rocket launchers or BFGs or gattling guns to be fun, just a portal device. TF2 is like an Art Deco Battlefield, sans vehicles, but still the most fun online team based shooter ever. Ep2 looks freakin sweet. I don't know what happens, but it will still be great. And, just in case you didn't get it nearly four years ago, you get HL2 basic. Need I say more? BUY IT!