Great fun blended with cynical humor. How better can it be...?

User Rating: 9.2 | The Operative: No One Lives Forever Game of the Year Edition PC
The fun in this game never ends. Well, aside from llllllong load times, this game is a true work of art. Like I said, it is fun & humor right from the start. I love that sexy and stylish British accent they gave the spy. Reminds you of the BOND series :-)
Although I played this game quite some time ago, I can say that when it came out, there really was not any game like it. In this case, this game was unique. Basically you play a covert, female, agent (and Brittish) and you are sent all over the world, and in some cases not on the world, for your missions. Some missions are hellishly hard and some are simpler. The diversity and variety of weapons and gadgets is awesome. That leaves YOU the player the choice to make. Meaning, you can approach a situation in few ways and as always you make the choice. Whether you do it with brute & brawn and go with all your gunz blazing or you can choose to stealthier approach and lure your enemies to their eventual demise...:-(
I loved doing it with the coins, they always fell for that trick !
Graphics in the game are better that what I had anticipated back then when the game came out. They have this almost, cartoon-like look to them, which I like a lot. But not cartoonish like say XIII for example, not this much.
The game's difficulty is just right with a tendency to be a bit hard. I played it on hard and had many harsh times with it.
Sound is great and there is music that reminds you of the spy movies and series from the sixtees, I love it.
This game is a classic and a must for all gamers who love FPS's. You must atl east give it a try if you can still get it somewhere. I played the second one too. In terms of innovation the first game is indeed theone I choose. I terms of complexity, character development and gameplay, I choose the second.
In short , play them both, not necessarily in their release order but just play them :-)
Have fun!!