It's truly a shame that such a magnificent work of art could go unnoticed and unappreciated.

User Rating: 9.6 | The Neverhood PC
I remember getting this game amidst a package of software that came with my Gateway 2000 (back in the day when the company carried that name). Perplexed by the artwork on the cover I began my journey into a game that was, for a lack of a better term, life-changing. It took me a long time to get the hang of the game. There was a lot to get a grip on for someone like me who really didn't have a grip on the whole "Adventure Game" genre, but once I got past the questions, "Why aren't there any bosses?" and "Why can't I friggin' die?", the game really took off for me. I spent many hours slaving away at this game. Being only 10 years old at the time, I felt VERY proud of myself whenever I solved one of the games more complicated puzzles without the assistance of a walk-through. By the games end I had at least 20 pages worth of notes and had read the entire log in the museum.
My one and ONLY complaint about this game was the ending. The ending itself felt a little rushed and felt like the game should be able to continue steadily afterwards. Perhaps my disappointment came from the fact that I simply didn't want this game to end because in my heart I knew I probably wouldn't see another game like this ever again. To my great dismay, I was right.