The Movies: Stunts and Effects gives players the same formula they have been working with, but with an explosive twist.

User Rating: 8.7 | The Movies: Stunts & Effects PC
Being a huge fan of the original game, The Movies, I was psyched to hear that an expansion pack would be coming out. I pre-ordered it as soon as possible, and just not received it. Let me tell you, this game does not disappoint. It gives you more of the same (and looking back at the last game, that's not a bad thing at all), plus a new punch with the stunts and special effects. Each feature is implemented into the game superbly.

GAMEPLAY: Although I normally dwell in the Sandbox Mode to create my movies, I have played through the campaign ocassionally. They both work exactly the same, and the formula continues to impress. The newly implemented FreeCam is taking some getting used to, but I'm still able to make some sweet camera angles that I was unable to do in the first game. The game never grows boring. Believe it or not, there are many things you can do during downtime. Think one of your actors is too fat? Give him plastic surgery! Is one of your actors pissing you off? Get him drunk and photographed by the journalists. That'll show him! The point is, there are lots of things you can do with your actors. While they might be mundane in real life, the game makes it enjoyable to watch. Watching the stuntmen train is one of my favorites in particular.

GRAPHICS: More of the same. The graphics haven't changed, except for a few small details. For instance, the quality of the explosions in the game have been ramped up. There's now more smoke and particle effects, and in my opinion, it looks alot better than in the first game. The character animations can bug me at some points, but I guess they overexaggerated them for a reason (to be funny). I'll let that slide. There haven't been many improvements in the graphics department, but the graphics were already really good to begin with.

SOUND: Again, more of the same. The music for this game is, as always, amazing. The radio broadcasts continue to entertain with their humor. My only complaint is that during shooting, the mumbling they put in for actor's voices gets really annoying sometimes. But hey, turning down the volume can easily solve that. As it was said in the graphics section, not much has changed here, but since when was that a bad thing?

All in all, The Movies: Stunts and Effects continues to impress with its already-working formula with the addition of explosive stunts to ramp up the Wow-factor of your movie. I would definitely recommend picking this up. You're bound to have an explosively good time (oh, such a bad pun...).