review of matrix path of neo

User Rating: 10 | The Matrix: Path of Neo XBOX
when i first played matrix path of neo i was borrowing it from my cousin. It was much better than i expected it to be. One thing i like about it is in the first level you fight waves of enemys and that determines your difficulty options for the game. There is also more than plenty of missions and tons of karate moves. also its not just karate fighting but there are a variety of guns and melee weapons. once i started i couldnt stop. plus theres levels from the movie and in bettween the movies.also theres even a alternate ending from the movie that really fun in my opinion. theres also tons of abilitys like anti-gravity jump or the ability to stop bullets and throw them back at their shooter which in my opinion is pretty cool. so if you want my recomendation its a great game and if your thinking about it get it!