The Matrix: POT let's you play as the One. Good Game Play, average Graphics, but still an good game.

User Rating: 8 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
Game Play: 9/10
Graphics: 7/10
Story: 8/10
Sound: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

Game Play:

The Matrix: Path Of Neo is an interesting game in terms of game play. Neo can perform various combos and different move to dispose of enemies. Neo gets the ability to evade gravity and by that he can grab enemies from the ground and kill them in mid air. There are also nice combos to perform and there will be buttons on screen, which should be pressed to achieve a combo. Neo uses Focus meter, which extends throughout the game. it allows Neo to slow down time, that makes him faster, gives him better moves, allows anitgravity, and his more deadly. But Focus should be use with care. My favorite combo is Focus + Circle on enemy + triangle and Neo beats him to death with his fists. There are also nice weapons, but I didn't use them at all, because Neo is better in fighting. Neo has also an upgrade screen, which is taken after each mission. Neo has also the ability Bullet Dodge and Stop, which is really good skill, if you want to kill cowards from far distance. Bullet Stop is also used as a telekinesis to hurl objects at enemies. Weapons are submaschine guns, various pistols, m16, grenade launcher and more. Melee weapons are swords, axem and poles. Enemies are common agents (easy to beat). Agent Smith is also easy. Some stealth mechanics are shown in the first mission, but stealth is pointless later in the game, you don't need it. Swat officers with glass shields are a real pain, all other enemies are rather easy. Environments are destroyable in some missions.


Graphics on the ps2 aren't the best, but not the worst, game play covers it all. I saw some visually good places, but nothing more. Characters seem good, but not best also.


If you a familiar to the matrix movies, i'm not gonna tell much. You play as an hacker named Thomas Anderson aka Neo. Who finds out the world we live isn't so real after all. Take Red pill or blue bill, your choice.


Path of Neo has the voice work of the original cast and they perform great. Sounds of gunfire, fighting, are cool. but i experienced a sound bug, when you are taken to the retry menu and start over, sounds will be gone for couple of minutes.


Path Of Neo is an good game mostly because of the game play elements. If you look for a action game to spend a weekend, Path Of Neo is just for you. there is also replay value, complete all difficulties, unlock the extra content and other gizmos or goodies. I finished the game first time in 5 hours, it's not long, but still i reccomend it.