was a dissapointment in design, but made up for it in gameplay

User Rating: 4.5 | The Matrix: Path of Neo PS2
This game was a huge letdown when it comes to graphics, but the gameplay and enhanced focus mode allowed for some fun times, I was amazed at how they could fit all 3 movies into 1 game it was awesome playing key moments in the story of the 3 matrix movies, the million smiths, the bullet time, and the bullet stop were all incredibly fun to play. the unimpressive voice work and hard to grasp gameplay only matched the lame story sequences, it was a good brawler, but a lame platformer it was pretty fun to knock soilders 50 feet through the air, or smack 'em around with a pole! but the stupid level design and millions of bad lines, it's not that fun to go through just mute the voices and let the awesome sound effects do their work. it was too short though only took about 10 hours! a good weekend rent but not something I would buy.