A good looking game but it is just lacking something.

User Rating: 6.7 | The Matrix Online PC
I have been playing this since it was released early last year. At first I loved it, once I had upgraded my computer so that it was able to run it at a decent framerate, but the shine on the apple soon wore off.

For me, a good game is defined by it's ability to keep me coming back for more. This one does not do that, if anything it is just too frustrating and confusing and has nothing really outstanding to offer.

Don't get me wrong, there are many fine points to this game, it looks fantastic, the animation is spot on and the city feels alive and real but it is the gameplay that lets it down.

Combat is a pretty straightforward affair, just choose how you want to hit something and click the button, nothing too hard there. What drags it down however is the fact that if you try and kill anything even remotely close to your own level then you will die.

This means that the only way to get anywhere in the game is to group up and I found that good groups were very hard to come by. So for someone who likes to go off and solo for a while (like me), then you end up getting very bored because you can't do any of the missions.

But if you like grouping up, can get some decent people to play with then I imagine that the game would be a lot more fun.

Couple that with the fact that it is now covered under Sony's compete subscription, you can play this along with SWG, EQ, EQ2, PS etc all for one low monthly price.