For a treasure hunt game, The lost city has been one of the most addictive and best designed games I've played on phone.

User Rating: 8.5 | The Lost City IOS
I've always been a big fan of treasure hunt, puzzles and brain teasing games. Ever since I got introduced to 'Kaptain brawe's' free version which was, though too short, did grab my attention towards the games of its kind.
Since then, I've played a lot of games in puzzle genre and tried to search for many such games. But the way 'The lost city' kept me aloof from the outer world, the game has forced me to share my thoughts.
The moment you hit 'Start', a rather disappointing storyline starts where you hear from your grandmother about her days of adventures where she wants you to go and explore that mysterious place. That's lame. But thankfully, it ends then and there only saving you from the great misery of the lame old school storyline.
And then the adventure starts where you find only three scenarios in a panning state. For a completely new user of such game, such thing can be a bit frustrating on what they need to do. Luckily, the game provides users with hints option from where newbies can get clues on what they need to do at such place. Once a player gets used to the game, then there's no stopping from getting addicted and sticking to the mobile devices.
One after another, you keep finding new areas, scenarios and season goddesses. Oh yes! they're an awesome touch of twist to the game.
Four seasonal changes play a part of shuffling the conditions of a gazillion objects and scenes, making the game frustrating at times. But that same frustration and eagerness to overcome it keeps you glued to the game and that's the beauty of it.
All in all, The lost city is a wonderful, engaging and a must one time play. If you're looking for a treasure hunting game to put your brains to work, I'd suggest to go with The lost city. The design is very good, the plots are amazing and if you're seriously stuck at some point, you can definitely get the clue through the hints section. So, go for it and get one downloaded for your android or iOS device.