Hard to recommend to hardcore Lord of the Rings fans.

User Rating: 5.7 | The Lord of the Rings: War of the Ring PC
The Lord of the Rings is the second best selling book in the world, after the Bible and the movies have made billons for the movie industry so in this day and age it’s hard not to a Lord of the Rings fan. The Lord of the Rings: The War of the Rings fails to live up to the standard of the books and movies and also fails as a game in general. This is a game that feels like you played it a hundred times before if you play a lot of other RTS games and only way this game is going to sell is because of the Lord of the Rings tag on it.

If you have played Warcraft III then this game will seem like a complete clone, but Warcraft III is better in every way. If you have played Warcraft III to death then War of the Ring will get boring real fast. There is one thing new in the game and that is fate, but calling it a revolution in the genre is going way too far.

Fate is what you get when you kill a large number of enemies and when you get enough of it you summon power and creatures to help you in battle and like the gameplay it gets old fast.

The game is running on the Battle Realms engine which was made in 2001 so the tech that is running this game is very limited. When you get up-close to the units it not very nice to look at and the environments in the game are nothing special. There are some very good looking units in the game, like the Balrog but you will rarely see it in the game so it’s sort of a waste.

The sound in the game is OK but nothing special, the sound effects when you are in battle are bland and sometimes boring and the voice acting in the game is good considering they don’t have the actors from the movies to do there characters for them. Overall the sound is OK but nothing new or special.

The game has two campaigns, the good campaign and the evil campaign, they are fun and it tells you how some of the charters (Like Legolas, Gimli, and Boromir) got to Rivendell. Apart from that there is nothing special about the games campaigns but it’s fun.

The skirmishes are good and the AI can be very smart if you have the difficulty level on high or above but below that the AI just does some stupid things. The multiplayer in the game s he best part of the game and the auto-match system in the game is well done but I found myself just going back and playing Warcraft III online so don’t expect the online to keep your attention very long.

This game is boring and you should only play it if you want to learn more about Middle-Earth but if want to have fun go play Warcraft III.